Contributing to Regional Revitalization

Regional revitalization, which is a national target, is one of the most important targets for the future of Japan, and we believe that it is impossible to achieve regional economic growth, and thus growth in the economy of Japan as a whole without regional revitalization.
As a member of the SBI Group, SBI Investment has been working to strengthen the profitability of regional financial institutions and thus enhance their corporate value in order to contribute to regional revitalization. Furthermore, in the future, we are targeting direct involvement not only in the revitalization of regional financial institutions but also in the revitalization of regional economies, with the aim of contributing to regional revitalization.

Supporting the Growth of Regional Financial Institutions

The business environment surrounding regional financial institutions remains difficult, with declining demand for funds and intensifying competition due to a decline in the population and the number of companies in rural areas, as well as shrinking profit margins resulting from prolonged negative interest rates.
SBI Investment actively makes proposals concerning the adoption of next-generation technologies, such as fintech, AI and blockchain of portfolio companies, to the 80 regional financial institutions investing in the fund. Furthermore, by utilizing SBI's network of regional financial institutions, portfolio companies, and various companies inside and outside the SBI Group to promote open business alliances, we are contributing to the upgrading of financial services, strengthening profitability, and increasing operational efficiency for regional financial institutions.

Contributing to Regional Economic Revitalization

The decline of working-age population due to the declining birthrate, aging population and population outflow to major urban areas is creating a vicious circle in which the economy, jobs and rural areas decline. Our company contributes to the revitalization of local economies by investing in and nurturing companies that contribute to the enrichment of local companies, as well as local people, goods, and money.

Example of Investment 1: Enhancement of Human Resources

Astamuse Co., Ltd. provides a platform "SCOPE" that matches jobseekers with companies, focusing on social issues in Japan and around the world, instead of the traditional human resource matching based on conditions such as salary, location, age, and experience. SBI has brokered partnerships between Astamuse and regional financial institutions to support the employment of engineers, researchers, and specialists in a variety of advanced fields at regional companies.

Employment support through the nationwide network of regional financial institutions (Astamuse Co., Ltd.)

  • · Mediating tie-ups between Astamuse Co., Ltd., which operates a platform for hiring professionals in STEM fields, and regional financial institutions
  • Providing “SCOPE,” a recruitment support service, to help regional companies hire people looking to change jobs in search of a "challenge" that makes use of their skills and experience

Example of Investment 2: Enhancement of Products

BASE Inc., offers an online store creation service that is used by over 1.2 million individuals, corporations, and local governments and other administrative bodies supporting regional revitalization from manufacturing industry, as well as a shopping application that allows customers to purchase products from online stores opened by this service. SBI is promoting tie-ups between BASE Inc., and regional financial institutions. By forming business tie-ups that leverage regional areas’ potential and IT's ability to disseminate information, SBI is helping local companies expand their sales channels for their products and disseminate attractive regional information.

Regional development through support for local business operators and expansion of locally-sourced products (BASE Inc.)

  • Promoting tie-ups between BASE Inc. and regional financial institutions to provide services that allow anyone to easily build e-commerce sites
  • Contributing to regional revitalization through support for business partners of regional financial institutions and sales support for specialty products

Example of Investment 3: Enhancement of Funds

Global Mobility Service Inc. is a startup operating in the areas of mobility, IoT, and Fintech. Compared to the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, people often need a car for work and daily life in areas where public transportation is lacking. Global Mobility Service Inc., has teamed up with Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd., to contribute to the sustainable growth and development of the local economy through the provision of "My Car Loan X" a loan for hardworking people that serves as an initiative to shed new light on customers who need a car but have been unable to obtain loans or other financial services for various reasons.

Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank's Alliance with Global Mobility Service (GMS)

  • Began providing a new type of personal car loan using fintech "My Car Loan X (a Loan for Hardworking People)."
  • The two companies aim to work together to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and contribute to the sustainable growth and development of the local economy.

My Car Loan X (a Loan for Hardworking People)

This is a new type of car loan available to those who need a car to hold a proper job but have not been able to receive financial services.